Healthe by Lighting Science

801 N. Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

About Healthe by Lighting Science

Healthe is the leading provider of circadian and biological lighting solutions whose proprietary line of commercial and consumer products help regulate your body’s circadian clock, boost performance, enhance sleep and improve air quality. Our heritage lies in Lighting Science and NASA scientists who spent decades developing LED lighting technology for biological applications. This technology is now being adopted as part of the standard for human-centric built environments – in homes, schools, offices, senior communities and healthcare facilities.

Competitors of Healthe by Lighting Science

After 38 years in business, Specialty Bulb Co ceased operations in early 2023. Having been a worldwide distributor of all types of light bulbs, stocking and selling bulbs for nearly every application and industry and earning our reputation for selling quality products at competitive prices -... Read More
